Jessica Geraldo Schwengber, Brenda Beretta Kindlein: Building Bridges not Silos: Organisational Learning Processes and the Role of a Shared Lingua Franca as an a Priori Requirement for Transcultural Cooperation
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Building Bridges not Silos: Organisational Learning Processes and the Role of a Shared Lingua Franca as an a Priori Requirement for Transcultural Cooperation
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Building Bridges not Silos: Organisational Learning Processes and the Role of a Shared Lingua Franca as an a Priori Requirement for Transcultural Cooperation
Jessica Geraldo Schwengber, Brenda Beretta Kindlein
Building Bridges not Silos: Organisational Learning Processes and the Role of a Shared Lingua Franca as an a Priori Requirement for Transcultural Cooperation

22 Seiten
4,37 EUR
(04. Februar 2021)


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