Metropolis - Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik
Christian Hiebaum

Drei Weisen, an den Markt zu glauben

Richard Sturn

Marktvertrauen und Schattenpolitik

Felix Ekardt

EU ETS reform based on a revised understanding of economic environmental policy instruments

Claudia Gibis et al.

Compatibility of the European Emissions Trading System with interacting energy and climate policy is gaining importance

Ottmar Edenhofer et al.

Decarbonization and EU ETS Reform

Jo Leinen

Turning the EU ETS into a driver for innovation and into a global role model

Annalena Baerbock

Re-thinking emissions trading

Stefanie Hiesinger et al.

Perspectives of the EU ETS as part of an effective European climate policy

Johann Schmidt

Third-party verifiers and impartial intermediaries

Joachim Hein

“The Glass is Half-Full”

Susanne Dröge

The EU ETS and the “Carbon-Leakage-Story”

Barbara Praetorius et al.

European Emissions Trading Must Be Augmented with Supplementary National Policy for Effective Climate Protection

Marcus Ferdinand et al.

The EU ETS from a market player’s perspective – twelve years of European Emissions Trading

Peter Heindl et al.

European emissions trading as a key climate policy instrument

Lutz von Meyerinck

The Role of the Emissions Trading Group (AGE) in Germany

Hans-Jürgen Nantke

From Directive to Law Enforcement: Structure and Function of the German Emissions Trading Authority

Reinhard Kaiser

How it all began: “Making the impossible possible”

Hubertus Buchstein

Methodische Fallstricke der Demokratietheorie von John Stuart Mill

Philippe Gillig

Historische Methode und Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie – was hat das mit John Stuart Mill zu tun?

Christoph Schmidt-Petri

John Stuart Mills Qualitativer Utilitarismus und die undichten Fässer des Gorgias