Dr. Yolande Steenkamp
is senior lecturer at the Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute, University of Pretoria, South Africa. She has a background in Theology and Ancient Cultural Studies and specialises in transdisciplinary research on leadership that addresses contemporary challenges. In 2020, she spent five months at Zeppelin University to collaborate on the joint research project on “Relational Leadership for the SDGs: Implications for a developed and a developing economy”. She also collaborates with ZU researchers on a project that studies the effect of storytelling on transcultural and social entrepreneurial learning.
Dr. Dominik Fischer
ist Post-Doctoral Researcher am Lehrstuhl für
Institutional Economics von Prof. Dr. Wieland an der Zeppelin Universität.
Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Strategie und Governance in globalen
Wertschöpfungsketten mit Schwerpunkt Emerging Markets basierend auf der
Relationalen Ökonomie. Zudem beschäftigt er sich mit Innovation und
Kooperation in Stakeholdernetzwerken.
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Jean Müßgens
(M.A.), wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Institutionenökonomik an der Zeppelin Universität in Friedrichshafen. Er studierte Business Economics (BA) und Ethik & Organisation (MA) an der Universität Witten/Herdecke. Forschungsfelder: Relational Economics, Digitalisierung, Netzwerke, Innovation Governance.
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Prof. Derick de Jongh
is the director of the Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute, University of Pretoria, South Africa. He specialises in corporate citizenship and responsible leadership, and is passionate about creating learning opportunities through research and education that build individual and institutional capacity. He has been collaborating with the Zeppelin University’s Leadership Excellence Institute in their Transcultural Leadership and their Relational Economics projects since 2018.