Johannes Stephan: Foreign Direct Investors in Post–Socialist Economies: the Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Investors’ Corporate Governance, Subsidiaries’ Roles, and Policy Implications for Technology Transfer
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Foreign Direct Investors in Post–Socialist Economies: the Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Investors’ Corporate Governance, Subsidiaries’ Roles, and Policy Implications for Technology Transfer
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Foreign Direct Investors in Post–Socialist Economies: the Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Investors’ Corporate Governance, Subsidiaries’ Roles, and Policy Implications for Technology Transfer
Johannes Stephan
Foreign Direct Investors in Post–Socialist Economies: the Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime for Investors’ Corporate Governance, Subsidiaries’ Roles, and Policy Implications for Technology Transfer

35 Seiten
8,03 EUR
(April 2013)


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