Metropolis - Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik
Michael Heine et al.

Die Europäische Zentralbank

Stefan Kurzmann

Die Moderne mobilisiert ihre Kinder

Isabel Jandeisek

Unternehmensverantwortung in Liefer- und Wertschöpfungsketten

Stephan Märkt

Douglass C. North's Institutional Theory

Marco Möhrer

Shared Value-Rechnung

Gisela Kubon-Gilke et al.


Klaus Karwat

Schuldenfreies Geld

Philipp Schwartz


Iulia Moaca

How Can Social Movements Contribute to Societal Change?

Cara Thielen et al.

The Role of Civil Society in Tackling Institutionalised Group-Based Misanthropy within the Police in Germany and Austria

Pia Olivia Börner and Caroline Klyk

Shared Value Creation Through Uncommon Alliances – Trans-Sectoral Data Collaborations for the Common Good

Nina Hoff

Relational Transaction between NGOs and Banks – A Case Study on the Practical Application of the Theory of Relational Economics

Michelle Sun et al.

European Citizens: Empowering European Civil Society Through Culture?

Laura Alviz and Eliis Irv

Dealing with the Past in Former Yugoslavia – A Civil Society Effort to Establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the Western Balkans

Rupert Graf Strachwitz

European Civil Society as a Common Ground

Josef Wieland

Europe – A Network of Transcultural Relations

Josef Wieland et al.

European Relational Societies – Best Practice for Civil Society Cooperation

Dorothee Rodenhäuser et al.

Soziale Sicherungssysteme im Umbruch

Bernhard Ungericht

Immer-mehr und Nie-genug!

Philippe Van Parijs

Climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic: crucial pushes or deadly blows for basic income?