Daniela Gangl
has a degree in Politics, Administration and International Relations from Zeppelin University, focusing on the interface of international politics and economics. She gained significant strategic knowledge working in the External Affairs and Business Development departments of two major multinational corporations. Continuing her dedication to international governance matters, she is currently studying for a Master’s degree in International Economics and Governance at the University of Bayreuth.
Dr. Isabel Jandeisek
ist Referentin für Forschungspolitik beim Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg sowie im Strategiedialog Automobilwirtschaft der Landesregierung tätig. Zudem ist sie Visiting Researcher am Leadership Excellence Institute der Zeppelin Universität. Zuvor promovierte sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei Prof. Dr. Josef Wieland zu Unternehmensverantwortung in Liefer- und Wertschöpfungsketten.
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Carlota Memba Aguado
is a final year student at Zeppelin University. She studied Politics, Administration and International Relations at Zeppelin University, Université Catholique de Lille and Yangon University. Through various stays abroad, she had the opportunity to learn about transculturality not only in an academic context but also through professional experience. Her main research interests are: post-colonialism, compliance, human rights law, political economy and SDGs.