"Schriftenreihe des Forschungsnetzwerk Makroökonomie und Makropolitik (FMM)" · Band 13
361 Seiten
29,80 EUR
(inklusive MwSt. und Versand)
ISBN 978-3-89518-806-0
(August 2010)
Post crisis policy: Some reflections of a Keynesian economist
Responding to the crisis, promoting gender equality: Stimulus packages, public job creation and lessons learned from South Africa's expanded public works programme
Economic policies after the New Consensus Macroeconomics
The Great Recession and perspectives on Keynesian policy
Financial crisis, global recession and macroeconomic policy reactions: The case of Germany
Asset price bubble, financial crisis and deflation in Japan
Is this the Minsky Moment for reform of financial regulation?
Global financial crisis: The French policy answer in an EU perspective
Building the Green New Deal in the United States
What went wrong?
Income distribution, the financedominated accumulation regime, and the present crisis
The 'Keynesian Moment' in policy making and the perils ahead
Institutional investors, the equity market and forced indebtedness