Aleksandra Kozerska, Karolina Pajaczek & Lorenz Bokari: Legal Framework and Challenges of the Belt Road Initiative in Poland and Germany with a Focus on International Trade LawTop
Aleksandra Kozerska
is a fourth-year law student at the University of Warsaw and a graduate of Maastricht University, where she received an LLB in European Law. Her professional interests revolve around international trade law, alternative dispute resolution and intellectual property. She is also a member of the Warsaw-Beijing Forum, the largest academic initiative focusing on the promotion of international collaboration between Poland and China.
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Karolina Pajaczek
is a lawyer specialised in intellectual property law with particular emphasis on industrial property law. She graduated from the University of Warsaw. She also studied German law at the Humboldt University of Berlin during her Erasmus scholarship and at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. She holds a Diploma in English Law and Legal Skills from the University of Cambridge, as well as a Diploma from the Deutsche Rechtsschule (part of the LL.M programme) at Bonn University. She has authored several articles, participated in research projects and regularly presents papers at conferences.
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Lorenz Bokari
is currently pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Politics, Administration and International Relations at Zeppelin University in Germany. Before his studies, he successfully completed a Weltwärts year of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in Kpalimé, Togo. Stays in Istanbul, Bogotá and Jordan enhanced his expertise in transcultural cooperation.
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Legal Framework and Challenges of the Belt Road Initiative in Poland and Germany with a Focus on International Trade Law
Seiten 3,26 EUR
(07. Dezember 2022)
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