Firms, Institutions, and the State in East Asia
Deutsch-chinesische Innovationspartnerschaft: Rahmenbedingungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen
Private guarantees and relational networks
Effect of Experiencing Economic Crisis on Risk Perception and Risk Attitude: The South Korean Case
Imperatives of Sustainability and India's Development Path
Guanxi Capitalism in China
Economic Growth in China and Europe: Development in the Financial Sector and the Labor Market
Challenges to Long-run Economic Growth in China and Europe
China Steel Inc. – State-owned and state-run?
Organizing international innovation: R&D mandates and coordination patterns in Japanese multinational corporations
Grenzüberschreitende Mergers & Acquisitions
Dynamischer Wettbewerb und Unternehmensstrategien
Der Marktrückzug ausländischer Firmen aus einer reifen Volkswirtschaft – das Beispiel Japans
Akteure, Institutionen und Standardumsetzung – SAP R/3 in der japanischen Automobilindustrie
Economic and Social Development in Burma/Myanmar