"Schriftenreihe des Forschungsnetzwerk Makroökonomie und Makropolitik (FMM)" · Band 14
432 Seiten
29,80 EUR
(inklusive MwSt. und Versand)
ISBN 978-3-89518-878-7
(Oktober 2011)
The macroeconomic stabilisation policies which were put in place in most countries hit by the financial and economic crisis of 2008-09 have been successful in preventing a great depression. Economic policy has witnessed a certain "return of Keynesianism", but it is a strange sort of Keynesianism. Hyman Minsky's famous question of how to "stabilise an unstable economy" in the light of "financial fragility" is still the burning question of our time. Minsky's answer to the question was "big government". Keynes's vision was one of not merely stabilising the economy, but also one of creating a more equal society. However, this is not what Keynesian, anti-cyclical policies are aiming at today.
With the crisis the 'efficient market' consensus in academia and politics has begun to crack. There has been, at least so it appeared for a few months, a new consensus in economic policy that financial markets need to be tightly regulated and that under some conditions discretionary stabilisation policies can be necessary in the face of negative aggregate demand shocks. But if there is to be veritable "return of Keynesianism", it will require more thorough revisions and in particular a rethinking of the role of inequality, which, as many argue, contributed importantly to the global crisis.
In light of these remaining global problems, unequal national economic outlooks, and the return of the austerity policies, the initial success of the stabilisation policies put in place since 2008-09 may turn out to be insufficient. This raises the following questions: Are the present policies merely stabilising an unsustainable accumulation regime based on income polarisation and the dominance of financial markets? What are the economic and political implications of rising public debt? How can financial regulation contribute to stability as well as equity? These questions are addressed, among others, in this book.
I. Structural causes of and solutions to the crisis
Eckhard HeinII. How to deal with the rise in public debt after the crisis?
Claudio SardoniIII. Financial markets and regulation
Robert GuttmannIV. Wages and inequality
Helene SchuberthV. Long-run alternatives to an unstable and unequal economy
Stephen MarglinAn analysis of the causes of the "Great Recession" and some policy implications
The panorama of the crisis in Europe
Financialisation, corporate governance and income distribution in the U.S. and Germany: Introducing an adjusted wage share indicator
Re-regulating finance
Financialisation, re-distribution, and the financial and economic crisis - a Kaleckian perspective
Keynes in the long run: Growth with unlimited supplies of labour
Growth-friendly fiscal consolidation
Wages in the crisis - update
Central bank swaps and joint exchange rate interventions rescued global finance in 1982-85, again in 2006-09
An alternative approach to the problem of the public debt
Progressive approaches to budget deficits
From rags to riches?
Financial crisis and gender inequality
Ecological economics and economic growth
Strengthening the automatic stabilisers in Europe: Why, what and how
Is the U.S. on an unsustainable path?
EU public finances in the crisis