Metropolis - Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik
Christian Felber

Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie - Ein Wirtschaftsmodell mit Zukunft

Felix Ekardt

Grundlagen politisch-rechtlicher Nachhaltigkeitsinstrumente

Edelgard Bulmahn et al.

Wie kann Nachhaltigkeit in der Praxis gelingen?

Leticia Armenta Fraire et al.

Renewable Energy Strategies in Germany and Mexico as a Contribution to a Sustainable Economy

Malcolm Sawyer

I often find myself now basing my analysis very much on what Kalecki himself wrote sixty or seventy years ago

Kurt W. Rothschild

Its halo may be a little tarnished, but neo-liberalism is still very powerful

Hajo Riese

Germany’s high unemployment is the price it is paying for its economic miracle

Basil Moore

We are all Horizontalists now!

Stephen Marglin

We have to wake up and smell the flowers

Kazimierz Laski

Life is stronger than dogma

Jürgen Kromphardt

There is no reason why Germany should generally reduce wages

Jan Kregel

I had so many feet in so many camps

John King

The reform of capitalism is a) possible and b) very desirable

Geoffrey C. Harcourt

The General Theory is not a book that you should read in bed!

Charles Goodhart

Minsky I find enormously attractive but his issues are very difficult to model in any rigorous way

Diane Elson

Most heterodox economists still think that feminist questions relate to "special issues"

Paul Davidson

We have to change the rules

Amit Bhaduri

What we need is a better world to live in!

Barbara Bergmann

We have to turn the world into Sweden

Anthony Atkinson

Policy can counter inequality

Philip Arestis

Unless we have some kind of United States of Europe, I do not think we can hope for proper economic policies

Johannes Weyer et al.

Technikakzeptanz in Deutschland und Europa

Johannes Weyer

Die Rolle der Industrie in den gesellschaftlichen Utopien des dezentralen Kapitalismus

Klaus-W. West

Aspekte kommunikativer Industriepolitik

Birger P. Priddat et al.

Die Modernität der Industrie – Thesen

Birger P. Priddat

"Vierte Industrie"

Manfred Moldaschl

Mythen der Modernisierung – Arbeit in der Wissensökonomie

Dirk Matejovski

Die Modernität der Industrie und die Ästhetisierung des Ökonomischen

Michael Kleiber und Jürgen Gmehling

Funktionen und Nutzen der Chemischen Industrie

Steffen Kinkel

Industrie in Deutschland: Kern wirtschaftlichen Wachstums und inländischer Wertschöpfung

Christoph Hubig

Nachhaltigkeit im Wertekonflikt

Michael Henze

Produktionsorientierte Dienstleistungen oder dienstleistungsorientierte Produktion?

Volker Hauff

Akzeptanz von Industrie in unserer Gesellschaft

Christina Günther und André Schmidt

Die Rolle und Bedeutung des Industriesektors für den Strukturwandel in Deutschland

Matthias Braun

Die Industrie als intelligenter ökologischer Problemlöser

Utz-Peter Reich

Ware, Geld und Mehrwert

L. Randall Wray

Imbalances? What imbalances? A dissenting view

Claus Thomasberger

Economic imbalances, capitalism and democracy

Mark Setterfield

Real sector imbalances and the Great Recession

Sunanda Sen

Managing global financial flows at the cost of national autonomy: China and India

Gregor Semieniuk et al.

Towards reducing economic imbalances in the euro area? Some remarks on the Stability Programmes 2011–2014

Malcolm Sawyer

The contradictions of balanced structural government budgets

Jan Priewe

European imbalances and the crisis of the European Monetary Union

Thomas I. Palley

Explaining global financial imbalances: A critique of the saving glut and reserve currency hypotheses

Torsten Niechoj

Germany – best practice for the euro area? The Janus-faced character of current account surpluses

Júlio Mota et al.

The Portuguese economy at the crossroads of the euro and globalization

Yannis A. Monogios

The 'Tax-gap' perspective of fiscal sustainability in the post-2008 crisis period in Greece

Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak

Do we need fiscal rules?

Xinhua Liu

FDI in China: A sovereign money perspective

Pedro Leão

How to make discretionary fiscal policy counter-cyclical: A note