Metropolis - Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik
Philip Arestis et al.

Labour market institutions and the future of the euro

Philip Arestis

Unless we have some kind of United States of Europe, I do not think we can hope for proper economic policies

Philip Arestis and Elias Karakitsos

Economic policy implications of the 'Great Recession'

Philip Arestis and Elias Karakitsos

An analysis of the causes of the "Great Recession" and some policy implications

Philip Arestis

Economic policies after the New Consensus Macroeconomics

Philip Arestis

New Consensus Macroeconomics and Keynesian critique

Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer

Perspectives on economic policy in the Economic and Monetary Union

Philip Arestis et al.

Fiscal Policies in the Eurosystem

Philip Arestis et al.

"New Consensus", New Keynesianism and the Economics of the "Third Way"

Philip Arestis et al.

Reinventing fiscal policy