Metropolis - Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik
Thomas Heberer

Decoding the Chinese Puzzle

Flemming Christiansen

China’s Political Economy since 1978

Michael Jakobsen

Exploring Key External and Internal Factors Affecting State Performance in Southeast Asia

Simon Ahrens and Joachim Ahrens

The Concept of the Developmental State

Yveline Lecler

The Promotion of Micro-Mobility in Japan

Florian Coulmas

Nursing Robots on the Rise in Japan

Dieter Cassel and Jörg Mahlich

What Shapes the Pharmaceutical Market in Japan?

Sven Horak

Are Informal Networks Predominantly an Emerging Market Phenomenon?

Markus Taube

Taking Stock of East Asia’s Emerging World Market Leaders

Thanos Fragkandreas and Cornelia Storz

Knowledge Diffusion in Management

Martin Hemmert

Japanese-Style and Korean-Style Management Revisited

Nele Noesselt

Leadership Reloaded

Tim Goydke

Embracing a New Perspective on Japanese Culture and Corporate Leadership

Ralf Bebenroth

Alienation Effects on Managers of a German Target Taken Over by a Japanese Firm

Mark Lehrer and Stefan Schmid

Personalizing Perceptions of the Mittelstand Business

Cornelia Storz et al.

Firms, Institutions, and the State in East Asia

Stephan Pühringer et al.

Jenseits der Konventionen: Alternatives Denken zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik

Dirk Ehnts

Geld und Kredit: eine €-päische Perspektive

Tobias Vogel

Grundlegung einer Kritischen Theorie des Wirtschaftswachstums

Michael Grömling

Was wissen wir über Digitalisierung, Investitionen und Kapital?