Metropolis - Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Politik
Irene Colombi

Wirtschaft ohne Arbeit

Nicolas Weisensel

Ökonomie der Überforderung

Elisabeth Allgoewer (Hg.)

Frühe deutsche Nationalökonominnen

Georg N. Schäfer et al.

Auf philosophischer Expedition

Arno Bammé

Ferdinand Tönnies

José Luis Paulín Correa

Mexico, Thailand and Germany: How Can the Leaders of these Three Countries Find Ethical Strategies to Cooperate and Solve the Global Refugee Crises?

Maximilian Mylius et al.

Small Islands – Big Impact?

Natalya Tarasova

Conflict and Unity are Seen as Natural Satellites of International Communication

Kirill Krainov

‘Homeless’ Global Nomads and What They Bring Us

Aidin Ahmadi

What will be the cultural impact of Japanese companies reaching out for global talent?

Marco Möhrer

Migration, Uncertainty and Transculturalism

Ulrike Bronner et al.

Urban Nomads: Permanently Temporary

Tim Robert Schleicher

The Transcultural Leader

Michael Ganslmeier

The Introduction of the European Monetary Union

Patrick Lühlow

Global Corporate Governance Regime

Marco Bitschnau et al.

Overcoming the Horror Vacui: The Rediscovering of Leadership in the Face of the European Refugee Crisis

Lennart Brand

Transculturality and the Formation of the Transcultural Sphere

Dominik Fischer et al.

Some Aspects of Transculturality

Josef Wieland

Transculturality and Economic Governance

Mandu dos Santos Pinto

Sustainable Urban Solutions for Smart African Cities