Bewertungsdilemma Mobilfunk
Ökonomische Bewertung – Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse – ökonomische Ethik
Mehr wert als der Preis
Was uns die Natur wert ist
Ökonomische Instrumente und Bewertungen der Biodiversität
Cultural Heritage: Hedonic prices for non-market values
Die Wahl der Diskontrate bei der Bewertung von Kosten und Nutzen der Klimapolitik
A bibliography on stated preference studies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Bayesian Benefit Transfer
A Sociological Perspective on Stated Willingness to Pay
Metric or ordinal measures of utility in environmental policy-making?
Participant behaviour and performance in Contingent Valuation
Utilisation of Grounded Theory Methodology for the development of a Choice Experiment: Preliminary studies on the insurance value of biodiversity
WTP or WTA, or both? Experiences from two choice experiments for early planning stages
Valuing farm animal genetic resources by using a choice ranking method
A split-sample experiment to test for effects of attribute order in choice experiments
In quest of appropriate scenarios: Contingent valuation of Icelandic hydropower
The neglect of possible disutility as a bias source in the contingent valuation of public goods
Estimating WTP with Discrete Choice Models
Stated Preference Methods for Environmental Valuation: Applications from Austria and Germany